We need to talk about copywriting (and why it should be part of your job title)

Crafting Creative
Published in
4 min readSep 25, 2017


You may not have realized this but your job title is missing something. You know that clever one that you spent way too long brainstorming? Yes, my ninja-warrior girl-boss, you’re not just a coach… you’re also a writer.

Think about it. As online creative entrepreneurs, we have to market ourselves. And what is marketing, if not writing? Even if you post photos on Instagram, you still have to write a compelling caption.

“Words, words, words.”

They’re the heart of what we do, regardless of what we really do. Because without compelling content, we’re never going to attract our dreamy clients.

FACT: I spent about 30-ish minutes writing a pretty badass marketing email (that’s right, it didn’t take hours or days, the words poured onto the page effortlessly).

And this is one of the responses I got:

“I think your email marketing is killer! Every time I read one I am floored and inspired by the amount of authenticity, generosity and copywriting know-how contained in each.

I wade through tons of emails and yours may be my favorite because you make it a point to be transparent and honest and altruistically helpful. There’s never anything patronizing or smarmy in them EVER (which I have yet to experience anyone else pull off)…”

When people are praising you for your marketing messages, you know you’re on the right track.

The Real Deal

Was I born a natural writer? How did I learn this? The answers: “No” and “Hillary Weiss”.

No joke. She’s the wordsmith that finally unlocked my latent writing badassery (when all the other courses I’d tried hadn’t “clicked”). Her group program, The Wordshops, is the REAL DEAL.

If you’ve followed me for a minute, then you know how much money I’ve wasted on courses in the past. That’s why I always want to give honest reviews of my experiences.

All other copywriting courses I’ve taken prescribed specific frameworks for writing specific pages. End of story.

But the Wordshops provided me with the knowledge of what makes a page work. (You know that whole give-a-fish vs. teach-to-fish thing.)

Rather than fill my head with copywriting formulas, she showed me examples of what worked (and why) and taught me the types of content to have on a given page. This amount of flexibility was both confidence-boosting and game-changing.

Here’s a snapshot of the copywriting knowledge bombs I learned in The Wordshops:

  • How to find your voice (once and for all) and how to own your authority.
  • How to dissect what inspires you and gather inspiration (in unlikely places–like my music playlist).
  • How to structure & outline each page of your website, with checklists of content that should be on each page.
  • How to uplift your first or second draft of copy by using practices such as pacing, comedy, and your own creative flair to give your writing style.
  • How to write copy that sells by tapping into emotions in a way that resonates with your intended audience.

And that last point is so crucial because, if you’ve looked at my site in these past few months, you may have noticed that my Services page (aka my sales page) is brief. Yet, I’ve had more client inquiries than ever (with the majority converting to paid clients).

Your 24/7 Salesperson

That’s because my entire website acts as the sales page for what I do. By that I mean, the copywriting on each page naturally leads into the following one, in an overarching story of the transformation that I take my clients through.

After using the lessons I learned from Hillary’s Wordshops program as the foundation of my larger website rebrand process, I went from actively marketing myself (aka hustling) to sitting back and letting the client and collab requests roll in.

And the principles that Hillary teaches aren’t just about writing a single page of copy. They’ll help you with every future piece of content you write (whether it’s a blog post, a sales page, or an email newsletter).

It’s about substance AND style, not sacrificing one for the other. As a web designer, I know how important it is to have a solid copywriting strategy in place. I never start a website project without first getting the copy at least 80% of the way there.

The Wordshops Options

So, if you’re struggling to own your inner writer, I can’t recommend The Wordshops enough. I urge you to check out her live group program. But, because she works with each student one-on-one, spaces are super limited.

And, if you’re not able to join her “Do it Together” Wordshop version (either because of limited space or limited funds), then you could give her DIY (“Do it Yourself”) version a try. It’s the same incredible content that you take at your own pace. (Although, I’d love to be your coach through the DIY version, if you’re looking for a better-than-accountability buddy).

Because you’re done shirking your writing responsibilities now, right?

Originally published at craftingcreative.com.



Crafting Creative

On a quest to find my calling by experimenting, learning, and sharing as I go. Sr. Marketing Designer by day. Conversational Copywriter by night.